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Aligning Economic Performance and Risk with Social and Sustainability Impact

Aligning Economic Performance and Risk with Social and Sustainability Impact

I’ve been interacting a lot with executive teams recently in a variety of industries. I’ve met with energy executives in France, manufacturing leaders in Germany, and tech industry titans in the United States. Our conversations have covered everything from the challenges of the impact of inflation, navigating economic downturns in the West to supply chain challenges in East Asia, the downstream effects of the war in Ukraine and the impacts of climate change for long-term investment planning. Leading through increasing global turbulence clearly took center stage in the current context.

In a period marked by conflict and continual uncertainty and with the global economy still looking precarious, these executives are consistently looking for ways to reestablish and maintain profitable growth. They want their companies to remain robust, to increase in resiliency, and they want to ensure environmental sustainability. They’re ready to invest in new technologies to help them achieve these goals and to stay ahead of the competition, but they won’t pull the trigger on any spending without clear answers to three key questions: 

  • How will it help us navigate risk?
  • How will it improve economic performance?
  • Will it help us achieve a sustainable future?

If a vendor can help an executive navigate risk and disruption, increase value, and aid in the pursuit of sustainable corporate development, they will have a winning technology on their hands – and that’s precisely why
Cosmo Tech’s AI-Simulation technology is garnering so much attention from decision makers right now.

Navigating Risk

The models that underlie a Simulation Twin incorporate all the different types of risks and disruptions that a C-level executive must navigate. These include general business risks (disruptions of resources, operations, transport…) as well as financial, regulatory, occupational, environmental and safety risks. Any of these can have an impact on business continuity and the overall resilience of an organization.

With AI-Simulation, executives can set the level of risk that they are comfortable with and constantly scan their vulnerabilities. They can then ensure business continuity through proactive risk monitoring and value chain impact analysis. By simulating the impact of their decisions they can ensure that the level of risk never surpasses their alert level or, if it does, be able to identify mitigation plans swiftly and minimize revenue at risk.

The level of risk that a company is willing to tolerate is simply a constraint that can be configured and managed within the digital twin. The operational and strategic plans that the simulation generates can be optimized so that any level of risk can be maintained or reduced. 

Improving Economic Performance

AI simulation generates enormous value in both quantitative and qualitative ways.

The recent track record of success that companies have experienced with Cosmo Tech’s AI-Simulation technology regularly catches the attention of the executives I meet. When I explain that Michelin has identified a 5-year plan to save €10 million annually on their logistics thanks to a Simulation Twin, the response is immediate and positive. When they hear that a leading cosmetics firm has leveraged simulation technology to reduce their operational planning time from 7 days to just two minutes, their eyes light up.

But there’s also the qualitative value that these goal-seeking simulations deliver. Simulation offers a window into the future that means executives can set a course with greater confidence. They can establish a deep understanding of the impact of any choice and test plans proactively to be prepared for any disruption, even those that have never occurred before. Whatever their business needs, by simulating all possible futures they secure reliable predictions in the face of uncertainty and illuminate the one optimal solution among thousands of possibilities.

Achieving Sustainability

Short term wins are rarely the goal for today’s enterprise. Instead, executives are focused on the long term and achieving sustainable growth and corporate performance.

Organizations use Cosmo Tech’s AI-Simulation technology to power their long-term plans and sustainable development while strengthening their profitability.

Nexans, a world leader in electrification, has adopted simulation twin technology in pursuit of their sustainable development goals. Nexans VP for Sustainability Olivier Chevreau explains that they’ve adopted “a tool to bridge economics and environment, a tool to show that profit cannot be detrimental to the planet”. 

This sort of thinking is increasingly common, no matter the industry. Cosmo Tech AI-Simulation is helping utilities, manufacturers, and supply chain leaders around the world to make the sorts of choices and implement optimal operational and strategic plans that will keep them on a path of sustainable performance. Whether a vertically integrated computer company in the US or Europe’s largest electricity transmission system operator, sustainable corporate performance is a must and Cosmo Tech’s technology is helping the C-suite to deliver.

The Right Answers to
the Key Questions

Today real-time GPS navigation has become essential for finding your way in an unfamiliar city. Input your destination and the app then invisibly simulates hundreds of possible routes taking into account driving rules, anticipating traffic conditions and all the risks along the road. The optimal route is presented to the driver and, even if the driver makes a wrong turn, the app automatically generates newly optimized directions based on this new information. In short, when the driver asks ‘how do I get there?’, the app always responds with the best possible answer.

Cosmo Tech’s AI-Simulation technology is the navigation application for Enterprise. It uses simulation-guided, goal-seeking AI to discover all the paths to reach the business goals, no matter how complex they are,  and then helps the users understand the best path to take. It is then possible to confidently optimize operations, improve profitability and navigate uncertainty, while also constantly adapting to unexpected events or changes in the execution of the plan.

The opportunity to set a forward path through disruption with confidence and safe in the knowledge that, no matter what emerges, the company will be prepared is one that cannot be passed up. Here, at the nexus of AI, Simulation, and Optimization, is a golden opportunity for enterprise leaders to lead the way forward by creating unprecedented and sustainable value, each and every day.